Celebrate, Reflect, Create: Achieve Recovery Fund 2020/2021

In Feb 2020 we were awarded another grant by the Achieve recovery fund.

This has allowed us to provide access to arts and celebrate the achievements of those living with/in recovery from substance misuse and mental illness across Greater Manchester.

The project was postponed due to the pandemic, however, it is now back in full swing and has consisted of digital photography workshops (A big thank you to Dave McNabb for being our guest photographer www.dmcphotographic.co.uk), mixed medium art workshops, film commissions and more.

There was an exhibition at our gallery space between 16th -18th June 2021 and participants will also have the chance to contribute towards our anthology based on the Breakdown Bolton annual theme of Reawakening.

As part of this project, we also commissioned a film by an artist with lived experience of mental illness/substance misuse issues to highlight the dangers and journey of a person experiencing problems with substances. The film ‘Then the drink takes you’ by Manchester based artist Wesley Charles, will be shown at our Film premiere and birthday celebration event in August 2021.

A special thanks to Salford CVS, GM10, & Achieve for making this project possible. Please feel free to view the work created in this project via our online exhibition.

Health and Wellbeing: Funded by Bolton CVS 2018-2021

In 2018 we received funding over 2 years to run workshops that promote improved wellbeing for those living with mental illness across the Bolton area.

So far, we have worked with many different organisations such as Mhist, St George’s Day Centre, All Souls, Little Lever Life Support Group as well as our own groups at Neoartists and virtually during the pandemic.

The workshops have been in a variety of art forms including print, creative writing, book making and more.

The work from this project has been displayed at several exhibitions across the last three years with our most recent printing course being displayed in June 2021.

Participants of the course in 2021 will also have the opportunity to contribute to our annual anthology with a theme of reawakening.

Thanks to Bolton CVS for funding this project.

Physical Fridays - with thanks to Bolton CVS Physical Alliance 2020

With the aim of improving physical wellbeing and encouraging people living with mental illness to be increasingly active, we ran a series virtual dance workshops in the summer of 2020.

These were free for people to attend and included Zumba, Swing, and Bollywood dancing.

The sessions were enjoyed by all who attended and we’d like to say a special thank you to the instructors we collaborated with including Gabriella Luby, Angie Devi & Jennifer Bennett Price.

The Great Mask Sewing Bee - Bolton's Fund Covid-19 Engagement

During the local lockdown in Bolton, Bolton’s Fund made grants available to organisations who would carry out activities around raising awareness and instigate action regarding Covid-19.

At Breakdown Bolton, we ran an awareness programme that included several aspects in helping to protect our community and environment.

We produced hundreds of facemasks as part of socially distanced sewing days, via zoom workshops and through posting out craft packs to people who wanted to help those most in need. Whilst some of these facemasks were donated to people who knew the people who made them, a great deal more went to local causes such as Urban Outreach Bolton, Fort Alice, and Little Lever Life Support Group amongst others.

The awareness campaign was run at the same time and was a photography trail showing the impact that discarded facemasks have on our environment. This is currently on display upstairs, in a shop unit display window, in The Market Place Shopping Centre, Bolton, where it is currently.

Finally, those who took part in the project had the opportunity to contribute to a community quilt with messages of information, safety, and hope with regards to Covid and this will be displayed in our gallery window when this lockdown lifts later this spring.

This project was led by textiles artist Jennifer Gilmour and supported by other local artists with lived experience of mental illness. It ran between September and December 2020 in Bolton.

With thanks to Bolton’s Fund, Platform 5 Gallery for allowing us to use their workshop rooms, The Market Place Shopping Centre, and the people of Bolton for making this happen.

Some images from this project can be viewed below.


The theme/concept we worked with for this shop window exhibition was time. The project ran throughout 2019 and early 2020 with arts workshops funded by Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust.

In preparation for creating these pieces we looked at different ways time runs throughout our lives from the days and months to ageing and different life stages. The work created for this project included a combination of prints, sculpture, and bookmaking inspired by this concept.

As an introduction to our project, we spent our first workshops looking at the seasons. These workshops consisted of ‘season’ themed discussions and then a practical art session based around what had been discussed.

The first workshop culminated in a Gelli Plate printing session using leaves and other time inspired objects. Some of these prints can be seen here.

Whilst most people looked at the seasons as Winter, Spring, Summer & Autumn, others explored different kinds of seasons. The second workshop explored a person’s own ‘seasons’ and this became a bookmaking session in which our groups made a ‘season ticket’ of their lives inspired by actual memories, events and hopes for a future time.  

The third workshop was focused upon using clocks to create ‘clock face portraits’, bringing to life some of their ideas of what time might look like.  These portraits can be seen around this exhibition.

In the fourth workshop our groups discussed what had been important in their own lives. The practical session resulted in the group creating personalised time capsules that they would leave for another era. Some of these pieces had unique names such as ‘A Valentine’s Ball’ and ‘the pen is mightier than the sword time capsule’.

 With thanks to the groups at St George’s Day Centre, Honeysuckle Lodge at The Royal Bolton Hospital and those who attended our own workshops at the NeoArtists gallery space.