Coronavirus update 22nd May 2021- What to expect when coming to Breakdown Bolton in person during the pandemic.

As from 24th May 2021, all people who are attending will be required to show proof of a negative lateral flow Covid test taken within the 24 hours prior to coming to Breakdown Bolton.

A picture including your name on a piece of paper next to it can be e-mailed to or the same can be show at the door upon arrival. Without a negative test, there will be no entry. This is due to rising concern about Covid-19 in the Bolton area and after consultation and discussion about keeping Breakdown Bolton safe with our participants. Tests can be obtained for free at your local chemist or ordered to your home for free by clicking here.

So here’s what to expect when you visit Breakdown Bolton for a session:

  1. Participant numbers will be limited and places can only be booked via Eventbrite to ensure our safety.

  2. If you have a positive test or feel unwell for any reason, please do not attend but let us know asap via email.

  3. Upon arriving, please show proof of your negative covid test if you haven’t already e-mailed it to us.

  4. Please do not arrive more than 5-10 minutes early for a session, if you do, you may be asked to wait outside.

  5. Upon entering, a member of our team may take your temperature with the scanner.

  6. Please wear a mask at all times if you can. We understand that people may be exempt and respect that, we also understand some people will be able to wear masks at some times and not others so please don’t be offended if we do ask. Disposable masks are available if required, please ask a member of the team.

  7. Please use the hand sanitiser/ antibacterial wipes and spray available as often as required.

  8. Please try to keep a sensible distance between yourselves when attending.

  9. Please leave promptly at the end of the session. This is so we can get cleaned up and sanitised for whatever’s next.

  10. If you later test positive after attending a session, please make us aware so that everybody can be tested.

We hope that we won’t have to keep such measures in place for a long time, but in the meantime, thank you for co-operating with the above to ensure Breakdown Bolton is safe for everybody and can keep running in person.